
How Many Gamers Are There? (New 2024 Statistics)

by Fabio Duarte
Last Updated: February 23, 2025

Gaming has quickly gone from a niche hobby into one of the biggest markets in the entertainment industry. In fact, the gaming market has a current valuation of $282 billion.

And numbers continue to grow with each passing year. By 2027, the gaming industry is set to be worth over $363 billion.

We’ll take a deep dive into the latest data on the number of people that consider themselves “gamers”.


  • Globally, there are approximately 3.09 billion active video game players.
  • By 2024, there are expected to be 3.32 billion gamers worldwide.
  • The US has over 3,000 esports players.
  • Asia is home to almost 1.5 billion gamers.
  • 53% of males are gamers.
  • 52% of gamers subscribe to at least one gaming service.

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How Many Gamers Are There In 2024?

According to the latest data, there are approximately 3.32 billion active video gamers worldwide.

That figure has risen by well over 1 billion in just eight years.


Here’s a full breakdown of global active gamers over time:

YearNumber of GamersIncrease Over Previous YearIncrease Over Previous Year (%)
20152.03 billion--
20162.17 billion140 million↑ 6.9%
20172.33 billion160 million↑ 7.37%
20182.49 billion160 million↑ 6.87%
20192.64 billion150 million↑ 6.02%
20202.81 billion170 million↑ 6.44%
20212.96 billion150 million↑ 5.34%
20223.09 billion130 million↑ 4.39%
20233.22 billion130 million↑ 4.21%
20243.32 billion100 million↑ 3.11%

The video game market is worth an estimated $282 billion. And esports players are increasingly contributing to that figure.

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The latest data shows that the US has over 3x more active esports competition players than any other nation. This is perhaps no surprise, given that the US video games industry alone is worth an estimated $106.82 billion.

In fact, the US has a similar number of active esports players (3,728), as the second and third-highest nations combined (3,471).


Here’s a detailed look at active esports competition players by country:

CountryEsports Players
South Korea1,146

Sources: VentureBeat, Juniper Research, IBISWorld, eSportsEarnings

Gamers By Region

Asia has over 2x as many gamers as any other region (1.48 billion). In fact, Asia has more active gamers than Europe, Latin America, and North America combined (1.42 billion).


Here’s a closer look at the regional breakdown:

RegionNumber of Gamers
Asia1.48 billion
Europe715 million
Latin America420 million
North America285 million
MENA168 million
Sub-Sahara African144 million
Oceania32 million

By nation, Japan and the UK have the joint-highest video game user penetration rate (58%).

As of 2027, the UK is expected to be the frontrunner with 70% of the population playing video games.

Here’s a look at the top five biggest gaming nations by user penetration:

South Korea45%57%64%

Sources: DFC Intelligence, Statista

Gamer Demographics

The majority of gamers in the US are male (55%).


In terms of raw numbers, there are approximately 1.7 billion male gamers. And 1.39 billion female gamers worldwide.


Here’s how the distribution of gamers by gender has varied in the US each year since 2006:

YearMale GamersFemale Gamers

According to the latest data, 4 in 5 (80%) gamers are over 18. That accounts for 2.47 billion adult gamers. And 618 million under-18 gamers.

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Here’s a more detailed look at gamers by age in the US:

Age GroupProportionNumber of Gamers
Under 18s20%618 million
18-34 years38%1.17 billion
35-44 years14%433 million
45-54 years12%371 million
55-64 years9%278 million
65+ years7%216 million

Sources: Theesa, Statista

Gamer Subscriptions

According to US gaming statistics, 52% of gamers subscribe to at least one gaming service. That accounts for around 1.61 billion gamers globally.


Console gamers (74%) are more likely to subscribe to a gaming service than PC gamers (66%) in the US. Extrapolating the data, 2.29 billion console gamers will likely subscribe to a gaming service. While 2.04 billion PC gamers are likely to do the same.

Looking specifically at subscription services, the latest available data shows that there are approximately 100 million Xbox Live users worldwide.

This figure has more than doubled from just 39 million at the start of 2016.

While major competitor Sony has accrued just shy of 50 million (47.3 million) PlayStation Plus subscribers as of June 2022.

That figure has also grown by over 2x since 2016 (20.8 million).

Sources: Morning Consult, Microsoft, Sony

Gamer Preferences

Two-thirds of gamers (66%) agree that relaxation is the most popular reason for playing video games in the US. Globally, that would account for 2.04 billion people playing video games to unwind.


Here are the top six reasons given for playing video games as of February 2021:

ReasonShare of RespondentsNumber of Gamers (Global)
Unwind, relax, and decompress66%2.04 billion
Fill time while taking a break, waiting, or commuting52%1.61 billion
Escape and be highly entertained51%1.58 billion
Spend time by myself48%1.48 billion
Solve a problem, use my brain, and think logically37%1.14 billion
Be comforted by something familiar32%0.99 billion

The most popular video games in the US are casual games with 63% of people claiming to play these regularly. This is followed by action games (39%) and shooter games (39%).


Here’s how these figures translate to gamers on a global scale:

Type of GameShare of RespondentsNumber of Gamers (Global)
Casual games63%1.95 billion
Action games39%1.21 billion
Shooter games39%1.21 billion
Racing games37%1.14 billion
Family games33%1.02 billion
Adventure games31%0.96 billion

Source: Ipsos


The number of active gamers continues to grow year over year.

Gaming has become a multi-billion dollar market that caters to virtually every type of gamer imaginable.

And the industry shows no signs of declining.

Check out our other related pages: 7 Huge Gaming Industry Trends and 45 Soaring Video Games Startups.

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