
100 Most Asked Questions on Google In 2024

by Brian Dean
February 22, 2024

We analyzed over 4 billion search terms to identify the questions that people search for the most on Google. 

Below we'll share the list of the top 100 most searched questions in Google. Along with the monthly search volume figures for each keyword (based on searches over the last 12 months). 

100 Most Asked Questions on Google

# Question Monthly Searches
1 What to watch 1,200,000
2 What time is it 1,100,000
3 What is my IP 754,000
4 How many weeks in a year 577,000
5 How many ounces in a cup 571,000
6 How many days until Christmas 466,000
7 When is the Super Bowl 417,000
8 When is Easter 413,000
9 How to screenshot on Mac 409,000
10 Who called me from this phone number 401,000
11 When is Father's Day 353,000
12 How to tie a tie 340,000
13 How to screenshot on windows 336,000
14 How many ounces in a pound 325,000
15 When is Thanksgiving 322,000
16 What song is this 284,000
17 When is Mother's Day 277,000
18 How many quarts in a gallon 244,000
19 What is Juneteenth 234,000
20 How many teaspoons in a tablespoon 228,000
21 How many cups in a quart 226,000
22 What is RSV 215,000
23 How many liters in a gallon 210,000
24 How many oz in a gallon 209,000
25 What is TikTok 208,000
26 How many oz in a cup 204,000
27 How long to boil eggs 203,000
28 Why were chainsaws invented 201,000
29 What holiday is today 199,000
30 Where to vote 191,000
31 How to lose weight fast 184,000
32 How much house can I afford 182,000
33 What time is it in Arizona 180,000
34 What is a woman 177,000
35 Where am I 173,000
36 How many steps in a mile 169,000
37 How to lower blood pressure 160,000
=38 How to delete Instagram account 159,000
=38 What is pansexual 159,000
=40 What time is it in Australia 156,000
=40 How to make pancakes 156,000
42 How many people are in the world 153,000
43 When does the time change 151,000
=44 How many feet in a mile 150,000
=44 How to clear cache 150,000
46 How to write a check 147,000
47 How many grams in a pound 146,000
48 What is today's date 144,000
49 When does spring start 141,000
=50 When is Labor Day 139,000
=50 How old is Taylor Swift 139,000
52 What does 444 mean 138,000
=53 How to delete Facebook account 136,000
=53 Who is the richest person in the world 136,000
55 What is lupus 135,000
=56 When is the next full moon 134,000
=56 How to delete apps 134,000
=58 When does fall start 133,000
=58 What time does McDonald's stop serving breakfast 133,000
=58 How old is Hasbulla 133,000
61 When is the next Powerball drawing 131,000
62 What time is sunset 129,000
63 How long does Covid last 127,000
=64 How to say hi in Spanish 123,000
=64 How many tablespoons in 1/4 cup 123,000
=66 How old is Dolly Parton 122,000
=66 What time is it in India 122,000
=66 How many days in a year 122,000
=69 When is Christmas 121,000
=69 How many kids does Nick Cannon have 121,000
=69 How many countries are there 121,000
=69 What is love 121,000
=73 How many ounces in a liter 119,000
=73 When is Memorial Day 119,000
=73 How to get rid of hiccups 119,000
=73 What is the definition of 119,000
77 How many square feet in an acre 118,000
=78 What does woke mean 117,000
=78 What is Temu 117,000
=78 What time is it in New York 117,000
81 How to get rid of fruit flies 116,000
=82 How to solve a Rubik's Cube 114,000
=82 How long does it take to get a passport 114,000
84 What national day is it today 112,000
=85 When are taxes due 111,000
=85 What does rizz mean 111,000
=87 What channel is the Super Bowl on 108,000
=87 What is gluten 108,000
89 What is a verb 106,000
90 How to make French toast 105,000
=91 How to get rid of gnats 104,000
=91 What time zone am I in 104,000
93 Who started racism 103,000
=94 How to take a screenshot 102,000
=94 What does smh mean 102,000
=96 What time does Walmart close 101,000
=96 Where is my phone 101,000
98 What is gaslighting 97,000
99 When does summer start 95,000
100 How to make money online 94,000

Most Searched Questions Breakdown

Most searched what question: "What to watch?"

Most searched where question: "Where to vote?"

Most searched when question: "When is the Super Bowl?"

Most searched why question: "Why were chainsaws invented?"

Most searched how question: "How many weeks in a year?"

Top Google Questions By Type

Here's a quick breakdown of the types of questions that people ask Google most often (based on the top 100 questions list above):

What: 32 times
How: 46 times
When: 15 times
Why: 1 times
Where: 3 times
Who: 3 times


What: 32%
How: 46%
When: 15%
Why: 1%
Where: 3%
Who: 3%

Note: The sum exceeds 100% due to rounding, but it gives you a good estimate of the distribution of the starting words.

From this breakdown, "How" is the most common starting word for the questions, making up 46% of the list.

This list includes lots of fairly mainstream questions that don't tend to change from year to year (for example, people have been searching for "How many days until Christmas" for years). However, we wanted to pull out a few questions that are showing signs of more recent growth. 

1. What Does Rizz Mean


5-year search growth: 4,800%

Search growth status: Regular

Monthly Searches: 111,000

Description: Rizz is a slang term for someone with high levels of charisma. The term was notably popularized by internet personality Kai Cenat, who is credited with coining and ultimately spreading the term on social media platforms like TikTok. 

2. What Does 444 Mean


5-year search growth: 318%

Search growth status: Regular

Monthly Searches: 138,000

Description: 444 is a considered an angel number in numerology. To certain people this number often means angels are nearby, offering guidance, love, support, and help.

3. How Many Steps In A Mile


5-year search growth: 15%

Search growth status: Regular

Monthly Searches: 169,000

Description: It’s estimated that 115.8 million Americans walk for fitness and exercise purposes. Plus, new devices like smart watches make it easier to track your total steps for the day. However, a large number of people want to see how their daily steps equates to distance (specifically, miles). 

4. What Is Gaslighting


5-year search growth: 209%

Search growth status: Regular

Monthly Searches: 97,000

Description: Gaslighting is a psychological manipulation tactic designed to make someone doubt their memory, perception, or sanity. It’s gained popularity and become a widely used term because of its use on social media platforms (like X). Gaslighting was named the word of the year in 2022 by Merriam-Webster.

5. How To Say Hi In Spanish


5-year search growth: 53%

Search growth status: Regular

Monthly Searches: 123,000

Description: Spanish is spoken by over 460 million people natively, making it the second-most spoken language globally. Since 1980, there has been a 233% increase in Spanish speakers in the US. Because Spanish is the fastest-growing language in the US, it’s common for people to learn popular phrases like “Hi” on Google.

6. How To Make Money Online


5-year search growth: 32%

Search growth status: Regular

Monthly Searches: 94,000

Description: Due to downturns in the economy, layoffs, and the growth of remote work, Americans are more interested than ever in earning money online to increase their income. In fact, the number of freelancers in the gig economy is expected to grow to 86.5 million and will account for 50.9 percent of the total workforce in the US by 2027.

7. What Is Temu


5-year search growth: 7,500%

Search growth status: Regular

Monthly Searches: 117,000

Description: Temu is a new Chinese e-commerce marketplace that sells low-cost everyday products. Temu products are regularly advertised on social media platforms, causing Google searches about the company to skyrocket. Today, there are more than 100 million users buying items from Temu in the United States. 

How We Generated This List

To find these questions we first sorted through a list of over 4 billion search terms. 

Specifically, we searched for keywords containing a question, like "where" and "how"). We then manually curated the list to remove duplicate questions (ie. the same question phrased slightly differently). 

Finally, we looked up the search volume for each term using third party SEO software. And ranked the questions based on which terms generate the most monthly searches in Google.