
Video Streaming Services Stats (2024)

by Fabio Duarte
Last Updated: June 6, 2024

The video streaming market is now valued at over $670 billion. And is expected to continue growing to over $2.49 trillion by 2032, at a CAGR of 17.8%.

With that, the list of unique titles has surpassed 800,000 in the US alone. And the number of streaming platforms continues to rise.

Below, we’ll dive deeper into more video streaming service statistics.

Video Streaming Services (Top 5 Stats)

  • 36% of all TV usage is dedicated to streaming
  • There are approximately 1.8 billion subscriptions to video streaming services
  • 26% of viewers admit to binge-watching at least once a week
  • Netflix has well over 200 million subscribers worldwide
  • Ted Lasso was the most-streamed program of 2023 (16.9 billion minutes)

Video Streaming Market Share

Streaming is now more popular than either cable or broadcast, demanding 36% of total TV usage.


This is how the digital media landscape looks as of January 2024:

MediumProportion of Viewers

Source: Nielsen

Video Streaming Users

The number of video streaming service users has grown significantly in recent years.

In 2020, Forbes estimated that there were 1.1 billion subscriptions to online video streaming services worldwide.

As of 2023, that figure is closer to 1.8 billion.

User penetration sits at around 17% in 2023. By 2027, the figure is expected to reach 20.7%.

In fact, 83% of US households have at least one streaming service subscription. That’s a significant increase from 2015’s 52%.


Here’s how video streaming subscriptions have grown over time in the US:

YearProportion of Subscriptions (by Household)

And here’s how the digital media landscape has changed over recent months:

Month, YearStreamingCableBroadcastOther
Dec, 202127.7%37.3%26.1%8.9%
Jan 202228.9%35.6%26.4%9.1%
Feb 202228.7%35.4%26%10%
Mar 202229.7%36.9%24.9%8.4%
Apr 202230.4%36.8%24.7%8.2%
May 202231.9%36.5%24.4%7.2%
Jun 202233.7%35.1%22.4%8.8%
Jul 202234.8%34.4%21.6%9.2%
Aug 202235%34.5%22.1%8.5%
Sep 202236.9%33.8%24.2%5.1%
Oct 202237.3%32.9%26%3.8%
Nov 202238.2%31.8%25.7%4.3%
Dec 202238.1%30.9%24.7%6.3%
Jan 202332.8%30.4%24.9%11.9%
Feb 202334.3%30.2%23.8%11.7%
Mar 202334.1%31.1%23.3%11.6%
Apr 202334%31.5%23.1%11.5%
May 202336.4%31.1%22.8%9.7%
Jun 202337.7%30.6%20.8%10.9%
Jul 202338.7%29.6%20%11.6%
Aug 202338.3%30.2%20.4%11.1%
Sep 202337.5%29.8%23%9.6%
Oct 202336.6%29.5%24.6%9.3%
Nov 202336.1%28.3%24.9%10.7%
Dec 202335.9%28.2%23.5%12.5%
Jan 202436%27.9%24.2%11.8%

Sources: Statista, Forbes, EarthWeb, Nielsen, Leichtman Research Group

Video Streaming User Activity

On average, Americans spend 13 hours and 11 minutes per day using digital media.

According to Forbes, 3 hours and 6 minutes of that time is spent streaming video.

And that’s only likely to increase based on consumer demand.

A recent survey revealed that 72% of Americans love their user experience with video streaming services. And 93% intend to either maintain or increase their streaming options.

When considering new video streaming platforms, cost and ease of use rank as the most important considerations.


Here’s a breakdown of what video streaming users find important:

Video Streaming AttributesProportion Who Think it is Important
Ease of use81%
Variety/availability of content79%
Streaming/playback quality77%
Speed (menu selection, loading content)74%
Accessibility/search of desired content71%
Availability across devices58%
Resolution available (4k Ultra HD, HD)56%
Skipping ads features52%
Content available for downloading/offline40%
Menu recommendations38%
Content available live37%

The most common reason (28% agree) to stick with a video streaming service is the ability to switch to a cheaper, ad-supported version of the same service.

This is closely followed by exclusive content desired by the user (27%).

Here’s the full list of reasons to stick with a video streaming service:

Most Likely Reasons to Stick with an SVODPercentage Who Agree
Being able to switch to a reduced-cost, ad-supported version of the service28%
The release of an exclusive new movie or series I want to watch27%
The ability to purchase new movie releases at the same time they are released in theatres23%
Ability to add more profiles, so multiple people can watch at the same time under the same account22%
Ability to download and watch content offline17%
Getting discounts on related merchandise and entertainment18%
Ability to watch shows and movies together with others through a social platform18%
None of the above9%

Around 1 in 4 (26%) users binge-watch on video streaming services at least once a week.

Below, is a a breakdown of binge-watching user habits for video streaming platforms:

FrequencyProportion who binge-watch
Pretty much every day19%
At least once a week26%
Several times per month20%
Once a month14%
Several times per year20%

Adverts are becoming increasingly commonplace on video streaming platforms. As such, ad experience is worth noting.


Here are the most desirable features related to advertising according to users:

FeaturePercentage of users
Shorter ad break43%
Ability to earn rewards42%
Shorter ad length41%
Single ad in a break41%
Target ads34%
Short ads from sponsor33%
Categories you choose33%
Time countdown31%

Sources: Forbes, Nielsen, Civic Science, Marking Dive

Generational Differences in Video Streaming

Younger generations (Gen Z - 57%, Millennials - 62%) are more likely to cancel video streaming subscriptions than older generations (Gen X - 43%, Boomers and older - 24%).

However, younger generations (Gen Z - 38%, Millennials - 43%) are also more likely to change their minds and renew a recently canceled subscription than older generations (Gen X - 20%, Boomers and older - 7%).


Here’s the video subscription cancellation data in full:

GenerationCanceled SVOD in Last 6 MonthsCanceled Then Renewed in Last 6 Months
Gen Z57%38%
Gen X43%20%
Boomers and older24%7%

Across the board, Millennials are the most likely generation to make changes to their video streaming subscriptions.

On the other end of the scale, Boomers and older are the least likely generation to make any sort of change to their video streaming subscriptions.

Here’s a breakdown of generational differences between video streaming subscription changes:

Change Made in Last 6 MonthsGeneration
Gen ZMillennialsGen XBoomers and olderAverage
Cancelled a paid entertainment subscription to save money30%32%30%15%26%
Dropped at least one paid entertainment subscription and switched to a free ad-supported service21%31%19%8%19%
Signed up for a bundle of entertainment services to lower overall subscription costs17%18%14%4%13%
Added a paid entertainment subscription to replace other higher-cost entertainment activities13%15%14%6%12%
Switched from a higher-cost, ad-free entertainment subscription to a lower-cost, ad-supported version of that subscription16%18%10%4%11%
Have made at least one of these changes54%66%51%25%47%

Binge-watching differences between generations are perhaps not as pronounced as you may have imagined.

The most likely age bracket to binge-watch is 30 to 44-year-olds (70%), closely followed by 18 to 29-year-olds (69%).

While teenagers may be accused of binge-watching, 45 to 64-year-olds are actually more likely (62% compared to 60% of 13 to 17-year-olds) to do so.

Finally, around 2 in 5 (41%) of those aged 65+ admit to binge-watching programs.

Here are the binge-watching stats by age bracket in full:

Age BracketBinge-watchersNon-binge watchers
13-17 years60%40%
18-29 years69%31%
30-44 years70%30%
45-64 years62%38%

Sources: Deloitte, Civic Science

Video Streaming Players

Netflix remains the biggest player in the video streaming space with over 260 million subscribers as of 2024.


Nonetheless, the media giant is losing ground.

Disney+ has accumulated 157 million subscribers as of May 2023. And Amazon Prime Video has over 117 million subscribers. Max now has around 97 million subscribers, while Paramount+ ended 2022 with approximately 60 million.

Meanwhile, the leading Chinese streaming service iQIYI has 128.9 million subscribers as of Q1 2023.

Here’s how Netflix’s user base has progressed over time:

YearNetflix UsersChange Over Previous Year
201341.4 million-
201454.5 million↑ 13.1 million
201570.8 million↑ 16.3 million
201689.1 million↑ 18.3 million
2017110.6 million↑ 21.5 million
2018139.3 million↑ 28.7 million
2019167.1 million↑ 27.8 million
2020203.7 million↑ 36.6 million
2021221.8 million↑ 18.1 million
2022230.8 million↑ 9 million
2023238.4 million↑ 7.6 million
2024260 million↑ 21.6 million

Amazon Prime Video is possibly Netflix’s biggest competitor when it comes to users.

Here’s how their user base has changed over time (including projection):

YearAmazon Prime MembersChange Over Previous Year
201325 million-
201440 million↑ 15 million
201554 million↑ 14 million
201665 million↑ 11 million
201799.7 million↑ 34.7 million
2018112.1 million↑ 12.4 million
2019124 million↑ 11.9 million
2020142.5 million↑ 17.5 million
2021151.9 million↑ 9.4 million
2022157.4 million↑ 5.5 million
2023161.7 million↑ 4.3 million
2024165 million↑ 3.3 million
2025168.3 million↑ 3.3 million

Netflix is one of the most expensive video streaming services out there.


This is how it compares to other popular video streaming services according to the latest data:

Streaming ServiceMonthly Cost
HBO Max$14.99
Paramount +$9.99
Prime Video$8.99
Apple TV$4.99

And here’s how the top video streaming platforms compare in terms of market share over time:

Month, YearNetflixYouTubeHuluAmazonDisney+
Dec 20216.4%5.8%3%2.1%1.6%
Jan 20226.6%5.7%3%2.4%1.8%
Feb 20226.4%5.7%3%2.3%1.7%
Mar 20226.6%6%3.3%2.3%1.8%
Apr 20226.6%6.1%3.3%2.5%1.7%
May 20226.8%6.7%3.4%2.6%1.7%
Jun 20227.7%6.9%3.3%2.9%2%
Jul 20228%7.3%3.6%3%1.8%
Aug 20227.6%7.6%3.7%2.9%1.9%
Sep 20227.3%8%3.8%2.9%1.9%
Oct 20227.2%8.5%4%2.8%2%
Nov 20227.6%8.8%3.9%2.6%2%
Dec 20227.5%8.7%3.4%2.7%1.9%
Jan 20237.5%7.3%3.2%2.9%1.7%
Feb 20237.3%7.9%3.3%3%1.8%
Mar 20237.3%7.8%3.3%2.9%1.8%
Apr 20236.9%8.1%3.3%2.8%1.8%
May 20237.9%8.5%3.7%3.1%1.8%
Jun 20238.2%8.8%3.5%3.2%2%
Jul 20238.1%9.2%3.6%3.4%2%
Aug 20238.2%9.1%3.6%3.4%3%
Sep 20237.8%9%3.6%3.6%1.9%
Oct 20237.2%9.1%3.1%3.6%1.9%
Nov 20237.4%9%2.7%3.4%1.9%
Dec 20237.7%8.5%2.6%3.3%1.9%
Jan 20247.9%8.6%2.7%2.8%1.9%

Sources: Arstechnica, DigitalVEurope, Netflix, Backlinko, The Small Business Blog, Business Insider, Forbes, Nielsen

Apple TV+’s Ted Lasso was the most-streamed program in 2023 with around 16.9 billion minutes of streaming. That's a significant drop from 2022's top program Stranger Things (52 billion minutes streamed).


Here’s a look at the top 10 streamed programs for 2022 and 2023:

2022 RankProgramOriginatorEpisodesMins Viewed
1Stranger ThingsNetflix3452 billion
2NCISVarious35638.1 billion
3CocomelonNetflix1837.8 billion
4OzarkNetflix4431.3 billion
5EncantoDisney+127.4 billion
6Grey’s AnatomyNetflix39626.8 billion
7Criminal MindsVarious32824.9 billion
8BlueyDisney+11421.1 billion
9Gilmore GirlsNetflix15320.8 billion
10SeinfeldNetflix17619.3 billion
2023 RankProgramOriginatorEpisodesMins Viewed
1Ted LassoApple TV+3416.9 billion
2The Night AgentNetflix1014.4 billion
3Ginny & GeorgiaNetflix2013.8 billion
4Virgin RiverNetflix5413.7 billion
5Love is BlindNetflix7013.1 billion
6Tom Clancy's Jack RyanPrime Video3012.8 billion
7Gabby's DollhouseNetflix5812.8 billion
8The MandalorianDisney+2712.3 billion
9Outer BanksNetflix3012 billion
10The Lincoln LawyerNetflix2011.8 billion

Looking at original content, Netflix created each of the top 10 in 2022.

Here’s a breakdown of the most popular original video content on streaming platforms in 2022:

RankProgramOriginatorEpisodesMins Viewed
1Stranger ThingsNetflix3452 billion
2OzarkNetflix4431.3 billion
3WednesdayNetflix818.6 billion
4Cobra KaiNetflix5016.7 billion
5BridgertonNetflix1614 billion
6Virgin RiverNetflix4213.6 billion
7DahmerNetflix1013.4 billion
8Live is BlindNetflix4013.1 billion
9Inventing AnnaNetflix912.9 billion
10The CrownNetflix5012.7 billion
11The BoysPrime Video2410.6 billion
12Great British Baking ShowNetflix8510.6 billion
13The Umbrella AcademyNetflix3010.5 billion
14The Last KingdomNetflix4610.4 billion
15The Rings of PowerPrime Video89.4 billion

Long-running crime drama NCIS tops the charts for most minutes streamed (approximately 38.09 billion) across all acquired programming.

Here’s a breakdown of the most popular acquired video content on streaming platforms in 2022:

RankProgramOriginatorEpisodesMins Viewed
1NCISVarious35638.09 billion
2CocomelonNetflix1837.85 billion
3Grey’s AnatomyNetflix39626.78 billion
4Criminal MindsVarious32824.87 billion
5BlueyDisney+11421.1 billion
6Gilmore GirlsNetflix15320.8 billion
7SeinfeldNetflix17619.3 billion
8SupernaturalNetflix32818.78 billion
9HeartlandNetflix22517.95 billion
10The SimpsonsDisney+66715.87 billion
11FriendsHBO Max23614.54 billion
12The BlacklistNetflix19614.01 billion
13New GirlNetflix14613.97 billion
14Spongebob SquarepantsPrime Video21513.87 billion
15ShamelessNetflix13413.62 billion

In terms of movies, Encanto was the top performer with 27.416 billion streamed minutes in 2022. That's more than double the amount of streaming minutes for 2023's top movie Moana (11.6 billion).


Here are the top movies for streaming minutes in 2022 and 2023:

RankMovieOriginatorMins Viewed
1EncantoDisney+27.416 billion
2Turning RedDisney+11.427 billion
3Sing 2Netflix11.347 billion
4MoanaDisney+8.629 billion
5The Adam ProjectNetflix6.141 billion
6Hocus Pocus 2Disney+5.697 billion
7Don’t Look UpNetflix5.141 billion
8FrozenDisney+5.133 billion
9LucaDisney+4.974 billion
10Gray Man, TheNetflix4.972 billion
RankMovieOriginatorMins Viewed
1MoanoDisney+11.6 billion
2EncantoDisney+9.7 billion
3The Super Mario Bros. MovieNetflix/Peacock8.8 billion
4Elemental (2023)Disney+8.6 billion
5Minions: Rise of GruNetflix7.1 billion
6Sing 2Netflix6.7 billion
7FrozenDisney+6.5 billion
8Black Panther: Wakanda ForeverDisney+6.4 billion
9Avatar: The Way of WaterDisney+/Max6.4 billion
10Glass Onion: A Knives Out MysteryNetflix6.3 billion

Source: Nielsen, Nielsen (2)


Video streaming has gone from strength to strength in recent years.

And that shows little sign of slowing down any time soon.

For more related content, take a look at 11 Huge Streaming Trends and The 7 Biggest Entertainment Trends.

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